Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010!

Once again
Thanksgiving time meant traveling to my Grandma and Grandpa's house allll the way in New York! I was very good in the car, well, as good as I could be for a 3 year old on a 12 hour car ride!
This year, on the way there, Mumma, Daddy, and I got to stop at a hotel so we could sleep a little and not drive so far all in one day. It was so exciting! We got there around 1am- of course, I was not at all interested in sleeping in some silly old bed when we got there... I wanted to check that place out! Mumma let me take a bath for an hour so that Daddy could get a head start on sleeping. I wonder if he heard all the yelling and splashing?
Anyway, after a yummy breakfast is was back into the car for 5 more hours. Good thing Mumma packed all that fun stuff in the car to play with!
When we got there, Auntie Lisa and Baby Ryson were already there from Hawaii waiting for us! Ryson is soooo cute. He's a very good baby- he even let everybody hold him and feed him, see?
I love kissing his little head.
Sometimes I was even allowed to hold him. And sometimes everybody held everybody!

On Turkey day we went to G.G.'s house to meet up with everyone else and have a FEAST! It was fantastic. I got to see a bunch of my cousins again (Anna Jane, Christian, David, Morgan, and Nathan) and play with them. Christian and I had a lot of fun doing, what else? Playing on the stairs!

The Daddies only let us jump from the 3rd stair... but it was still pretty fun!

Later that day we went to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Joe's house for MORE dessert! I had a really good time playing school with Abbey. We even did some PROJECTS! Nana would have been proud.

Do we look like we've just stepped off the Mayflower?!

And of course, NO Thanksgiving would be complete with out throwing around the ol' football! Right?!

I'm wicked rough and tough.

I wonder if my team won?

xoxo Turkey Lurkey Ayda Sue


Anonymous said...

Looks like Ayda Sue had quite an adventure!!
A. Sal

mimi said...

I love the action shots...