Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chalk is FUN!

I love going to aunt Melanie's house. Ya know why? Because she has a paved driveway and keeps a basket of chalk in her garage JUST for me! I've been waiting for it to stop raining so I could go over and draw....and last weekend that's exactly what I did.

This is my drawing of Mimi. At first I gave her chicken feet, then after she complained (and I laughed) I drew some shoes. Mimi asked me why she looked so upset in her drawing, and I had to explain to her that she looked mad because I had just hit her. I'm so clever.

This is my drawing of Mama. She looks a lot like Mimi but that's because they look alike in real life.

This is a photo of my New York Grandma. I have three of them...and I decided not to discriminate by actually telling Mimi which one it was. Mimi asked me to pose with my drawing...I'd make a good model, no?


Wade said...

Artist gene runs in the family, I see.

Mumma said...

I think I speak for both Brooks sisters when I say that I WISH my legs were that skinny!