Monday, July 12, 2010

Dressed in black...

Ayda has been a singing MACHINE lately. Last night in her bath she was going on and on and on making up lyrics and singing them to me. Most of them were about Nana making pancakes or her wash cloth 'baby'- but it was pretty amazing how quickly the words came to her.

This morning on the way to Tammy's she picked out a CD from the carrier attached to my vanity mirror.

'Yes, Ayda?'
'Can we listen to that blue one?'

So I put it in.

'Mumma? Who is that man singing?'

I told her that it was Johnny Cash, and that he liked to tell stories when he sang just like her.

She thought about it for a few minutes and then said,
'Mumma- I wanna be like Johnny Cash when I get big!'

So I asked her the obvious question, 'Will you dress all in black?'

And her obvious answer- 'Yes! And I will have a kitty guitar, and you can sit in the chair and watch me!'

Amen sister.


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