On Saturday Mama, Nana, and I went to celebrate all things Pixie. That meant, of course, dancing...

...cupcake eating...

(with my friend Lily)

...and mingling with all those other pixies!

Some of us were pretty tired.

Others of us were REALLY tired!

Some of us had jobs to do. Well, actually, just Nana was given a job. Good work Nana!

But one thing is for sure- we ALL had fun!

Lastly, Mumma says she's really sorry- but this video is sideways. She's kinda silly about using her camera. Oh well. Turn your laptop on it's side or tilt your head :) It's a video of what ALL the pixies got to do on Saturday.
I think I could get used to this 'spotlight' thing!
Ayda - YOU are the cutest pixie in town!
Oh, Mama! You are your mother's daughter! My computer is too big to turn - but thanks for capturing the Pixie presentation to the King and Queen.
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