Monday, February 22, 2010

Big Girl Moments

This weekend, I was nothing but a BIG GIRL! I've been doing really well with the potty- especially this week- so Mama said I could go shopping with her and pick out some REAL.BIG.GIRL.PANTIES!

I told her I really wanted ones with dolphins on them. There's just something about dolphins... don't you think? But we couldn't find any like that. So I settled for some Princess ones, instead. They're pretty spectacular.

I guess Daddy must have felt the 'Big Girl Fever' too, because last night while Mumma and I read a book, he turned my crib....

... into a big girl bed!!

It was so cozy, and I only fell out twice. Mumma says it's a learning curve, and that I won't fall out forever. Of course, Daddy put some nice soft padding on the floor so that I wouldn't hurt myself.

I was so comfortable and happy in my big girl bed, that I didn't even want to get out this morning!

I really think I'm gonna like being all grown up... even if it does make Mama a little sad. She'll get over it.


1 comment:

mimi said...

Looks like Mimi needs to finish that quilt for your big girl bed! I thought it was going to be a christmas present but it looks like it's going to be a birthday one instead!