Monday, December 28, 2009

Signs That Today Could Be A Funny One...

A conversation in the car on the way to daycare-

Ayda: 'Mumma, what's my name?'
Jenn: 'You know your name... you tell me what it is,'
A: 'I can't remember. Can you tell me?'
J: 'It's Ayda Sue Ellen Sonnenberg, remember?'
A: 'I'm NOT a BURGER! Don't call me that!'

A conversation while walking to the daycare door-

Ayda: 'What's that smell?'
Jenn: 'Hmmm... I don't know, what does it smell like?'
A: 'Dinosaurs,'
J: 'Oh! Is that a good smell? Or a bad smell?'
A: 'Rah! A scary smell!'

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