Wednesday, November 3, 2010


(To protect the identity of these Trick-or-Treaters... Mama has taken some artistic license)

So last week was so wicked awesome! It was Halloween, of course! As you can see I was a TERRIFYING TIGER! Or as I called myself to some, an 'Iberian Tiger.


On Friday I made a special trip to Tammy's, just so I could go Trick-or-Treating with all my friends! It was so much fun!
Who would have thought a tiger could hold a chickens hand (wing?) without taking a nibble?! Must have been that princesses magical powers.

This is my friend Will... he wasn't a very happy hamburger, but he sure was cute!

But I think out of allll my friends, Carley really took the cake for best costume! Can you believe this chick?

I've already been asking Mumma if we can go Trick-or-Treating again this Saturday. She had the nerve to tell me that it only happens ONCE a year!
What a stinker.

A'Rahhh' Sue

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