Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"If we're quiet, we might see a kangaroo!"

Last weekend me, Nana, Papa, and Mumma all went over to Dover-Foxcroft and stayed at Peaks Kenny Campground! It was pretty fantastic.

On Friday we picked up some goodies for a picnic lunch, and then went straight to the beach. Mumma watched me while I stuck my toenies in the water.

I really wanted her to go swimming with me, but she was too chicken and said the water was too cold!

Papa was a better sport- at least he was willing to get a little wet!

I brought Leopard along for the ride, this time. He had a really great time stretching out in the sun and playing on the swing set.... of course, he needed to sit in the baby swings.

My very favorite part of the day, though, was playing 'Peter Pan' on the big play set with Nana and some boy named Cameron. Oh that Nana! She's such a cutup!

The next day we went 'exploring' around the campground. There are lots of neat rocks to climb around on...

...and between!

Mama says her and Mimi used to play on these same rocks! I wonder if they broke that one?

I did a lot of riding around on Papa's shoulders at the campground. Everything looks better from up there. I scouted for 'Russel' the squirrel, but found chipmunks instead. And on one of our walks I made Mumma stop talking... so we could look for kangaroo! She's so noisy sometimes! (Mumma, not the kangaroo).

All that climbing, hiking, scouting, swimming, and riding really makes a girl thirsty. I'm glad Papa showed me how to get a drink 'campin' style'!

I wonder what adventures we'll have next weekend?!

Camper Sue

1 comment:

mimi said...