Sunday, October 11, 2009

Part 2: Apple 'Hide n' Seek'

So before Mama, Daddy and I went to that wonderful McDonald's we went to the Treworgy farm to pick apples and find a pumpkin. Little did we know this would be the only apple we'd actually 'pick' from the trees!

Those darn apples were playing a REALLY good game of 'hide n' seek'! We looked for quite awhile and then Mama decided we'd just buy a bag on our way out. It was still fun to ride around in this wagon...

I picked the very biggest one I could for Daddy to pull. He thanked me, but it didn't sound very sincere.

This farm also has a really huge pumpkin patch. I just loved running up and down the rows! Daddy wanted me to pick out an 'Ayda size' pumpkin, but I was more interested in bushwacking.

We did finally pick out this perfect little pumpkin. It sits on our new deck and I just love to look at it!

The other really neat thing Treworgy has to see are the animals. I told Mama I couldn't wait to see the goats! But when it came time to pet them and feed them, I decided it wasn't for me. In fact, I decided that white knuckling Mama's neck was a MUCH better idea. I told Daddy he could feed the goats if he wanted...

Even though we didn't get to pick our own apples, we had a lot of fun! And the apples we bought have been filling my belly quite nicely! I eat them like a really big girl- Mama and Daddy don't even cut them up for me. I just reach right into the bag, pick my next victim, and munch away!

I just love fall!

xoxo Ayda

1 comment:

Mimi said...

nice hat, pumpkin head!