Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"April Fools!"

This morning I pulled my very first 'April Fools' joke!
Actually my master plan started last night when Mama and I came home from daycare. Once we parked the car and let all the animals out, I sprang into action! I walked (mostly by myself) over to Nana and Papa's house and asked Mama to let me drive Papa's big yellow truck. She slipped off my boots and plopped me in the drivers seat... everything was going according to plan! I 'drove' the truck for a bit, beeped the horn, opened the glove box and used a napkin on my nose (don't worry Papa, I put it back in there for you to use later), and generally used up time so that Mama would get impatient. It worked like a charm! As Mama was circling the truck to come fish me out, I took the un-supervised opportunity to turn on Papa's headlights. It stays light out much longer these days, so no one even knew!
The best part of this April Fools prank was this morning. When Papa went out to start his truck, guess what? It wouldn't go! He had to do some silly dance with Nana's car and some cable thingies.
Aren't I the funniest?!!

-The Little April Fool

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