Monday, November 10, 2008

My Favorite Toy

This is a goat leg bottle opener. Mimi gave it to Daddy for his birthday this year. I wish she had bought me one! I simply ADORE it. I carry it around with me everywhere. I hold it when I'm watching TV, I pat it when I'm eating a snack, and I even take it to Nana and Papa's house with me. It's fascinating and oh so soft and silky. Sometimes Mama makes it dance for me. Every kid should be so lucky to have their very own goat leg.



Anonymous said...

someone remind us to send this kid a teddy-bear or a new blanky stat! :) -Jeff and Jamie

Anonymous said...

Please, someone hurry and add a new blog! I can't stand looking at this thing!! Give Ayda her Baby Minnie!!
A. Sal

Anonymous said...

hahah- i swear john and i didn't give this to her. she found it on the coffee table one day and just latched on. it's pretty gross- but she just loves it so much i can't bear to take it from her!
