Thursday, November 24, 2011

Uncle Wade

Uncle Wade came to our house just before Thanksgiving for a visit and to meet baby Violet. (Okay, so he's not really my uncle... and his name isn't even really Wade... I mean, it is his name, but not his first name... it's all very complicated to me.)

As soon as he walked through the door I insisted on taking everyone's picture with him. He's like a celebrity in this house.

Here's him with Mumma...

... and one with Nana and Vi...

... don't we make a cute "family"?

And of course, one of the legend by himself. I angled the camera a little for dramatic effect.

For good measure, and so he wouldn't feel left out, I snapped one of Pup... and Mum.

I had a really hard time being still and good-mannered when Wade was here. I was just so excited to show off my little sister! (And to just show off in general.) I don't know why I do some of the mischievous things I do... I told Mumma that my brain just tells me to do it--and I can't help it.

She doesn't believe me.


1 comment:

mimi said...

Ayda is such a good photographer...for a 4 year old!