Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day of Thanks, 2011

Well, this year we did things a little differently. Since Violet is so little (and lemme tell ya, kinda fussy) Mumma and Daddy decided not to drive all the way to New York like usual. Instead, the four of us went over to Nana and Pup's with Aunt Sally and Grandma. It was a much smaller party than I'm used to for Thanksgiving... so I made sure to keep the noise level to a maximum--it only made sense.

Of course, we can't celebrate a holiday without the proper attire...

Even my little sister had something pretty to wear.

I think she's pretty 'thankful' for having me as a sister, don't you?

We had a most delicious meal and watched some of the parade and a silly dog show. After we filled our bellies, I noticed Daddy was missing. This is how I found him...

... so I joined him (for a second).

I also spent a fair amount of time trying to scare people by jumping out of the closet!

Aren't holidays the best?

Gobble Ayda Gobble Sue

1 comment:

Mimi said...

NICE SHOES, Senorita!