Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Perfect Saturday Afternoon

Last weekend I was supposed to go camping with Nana and Papa... but Nana got sick and we couldn't go. Bummer.

Instead, Mumma and I met Daddy for a picnic in Cascade Park. I'd never been there before, but now I can't wait to go back again!

There was lots to do. Mum and I picked up some bubble stuff and a new wand so I blew some

and I chased some

and I waved some.

Then we went to check out the fountain and the troll bridge. (He wasn't home.)

I wanted to see where all this water came from to make the fountain spout, so we went on an 'adventure' and found this stream.

The water was REALLY cold!

And full of wildlife!

Then we walked up the trail in the woods waaaaay up high...

... and then we went waaaaay down low.

Not that I want Nana to get sick again or anything, but I sure hope we get to spend another Saturday afternoon here!


1 comment:

mimi said...

Is that a Bangor or Brewer alligator?