Monday, December 3, 2007


Do they make me look smarter? Cause that's what I'm going for...


Mimi said...

books are delicious!

Anonymous said...

Why do YOU get to live beside the cutest baby in the world, and I have to live in a smelly smog hole? How is this fair? I would like to be able to read Goodnight Moon to a yummy little book-eater. I am coming to visit. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Ayda, you are just getting cuter by the minute!!! Can't WAIT til Christmas to be able to smoosh those cheeks!! And yes, I have a very similar picture of mommy Jenn wearing yellow glasses, holding a book. However, she is not tasting her book! It was funny to show someone the picture, saying "this is Ayda's mom"...!
Auntie Sal

Mike said...

They definitely make you look smarter...that's why I wear glasses :-)

Can't wait to see you and the fam at Christmas, Jenn.

--- said...

AWWWWW!!!! How CUTE!!!
P.S. Now she has TWO Good Night Moon books, oh dear!