Thursday, March 29, 2012

She WOULD say that...

When I bring Ayda to school in the morning, I try to engage her in thoughtful conversations. I do it for two reasons, really.

1) I like to get her brain warmed up for the day.
2) Because I am selfish and enjoy a good laugh.

This morning the trees were still covered with a pretty, sticky snow. I commented that they looked neat. Ayda shot back with, "Yea, just like Lady Ga Ga's hair, right?"
"Right. Of course,"
This wasn't a new comparison for Ayda... everything 'cool' is like Lady Ga Ga in some way.

The conversation made me recall some of the other funny things Ayda has said lately, like:
"Mum, don't wreck my life today by not letting me buy something!" or "The men with the firetruck make sure we follow the rules at Rec (her after school program)."

She really cracks me up--even if she is a handful, I love her to bits.


1 comment:

Mimi said...

Sweet dogtags...