Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Introducing... Olivia Jones!

Santa must have been listening to all those prayers in my closet, because I got my very own American Girl doll!

As soon as I came downstairs Christmas morning, I knew exactly which box she was in...

... I couldn't believe my eyes! It was the exact girl I'd picked out with Nana!

I named her Olivia Jones. Isn't she just perfect?

My aunt Sally made me some really pretty clothes for her too. She even has her very own purple fleece coat and hat! I'm not sure how she knew Santa was bringing my Olivia, but I'm glad she gave us such a fancy wardrobe!

oxox Ayda Sue

p.s.- please disregard my crazy, fake, red hair. I just couldn't resist pulling it out of my dress-up box for Christmas morning! Mumma was thrilled...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw Santa at the mall and he told me that you had been praying and praying for this doll!!! That's how I knew!
Aunt Sal