Thursday, December 1, 2011

Things Ayda says...

Written by Mumma:

John and I were taking Ayda to the University to go to the fabulous pool they have there (which we call Papa's pool because it's on the campus he works at) and Ayda was really excited and chatty in the backseat.

Me: Huh. There's no moon tonight, Ayda.
Ayda: (Serious as could be) I guess maybe God forgot to put it out tonight.

I thought that was pretty clever and assured her that she must be right... how smart she was! (She loves to hear that she's smart or clever)

As we drove along (It's only about 7-10 miles to the campus) she kept asking John if he knew where he was going... because she certainly did. I'd ask her if we should go left or right and sometimes she'd guess correctly until finally she'd had enough and said:

"Don't worry Mum, you'll know it when you smell it. That's how you know when you've reached Papa's pool... by the smell."


Unfortunately, the pool was closed when we got there and I knew instantly that I was about to endure the wrath of Ayda at her worst. She was so upset and told me that I "ruined everything" and that we had "drove all the way here for nothing!"

I admitted that I had goofed by not calling first and gave her permission to be mad at me... which in the end satisfied her enough to cool her jets.

We settled for having pizza and bread sticks--food fixes everything.


**Ayda and John went on a 'special' date the next day to Papa's pool and had a fabulous time.

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