Last Saturday Mama, Mimi, Nana and I all went to the Orono Festival Day right in the middle of town!

Nana and I found these pretty whirly-gig things. I dunno what you do with them, but the lady let me touch them, so I instantly loved them. I think you're supposed to blow on 'em, or something. I wish Papa had been there to lend me a little of the wind... he's so full of hot air.

I wasn't really into walking that day. Everything was making me nervous. I think I really embarrassed Mama when I screamed at an old lady walking towards us. She wasn't very fast, but she sure looked dangerous!
The Festival also included the grand opening of our new Public Library. It was soooo neat! The children's area has a puppet stage and toys and this painting! I wonder if I can climb that beanstock? Next time.

We even stuck around long enough for Mimi to read me a book...

... and to eat a cookie. There's ALWAYS time for a cookie! Right Nana?!

It was a pretty fun girls day. I wonder how we're gonna top it NEXT weekend!?
xoxo ayda