A conversation in the car on the way to daycare-
Ayda: 'Mumma, what's my name?'
Jenn: 'You know your name... you tell me what it is,'
A: 'I can't remember. Can you tell me?'
J: 'It's Ayda Sue Ellen Sonnenberg, remember?'
A: 'I'm NOT a BURGER! Don't call me that!'
A conversation while walking to the daycare door-
Ayda: 'What's that smell?'
Jenn: 'Hmmm... I don't know, what does it smell like?'
A: 'Dinosaurs,'
J: 'Oh! Is that a good smell? Or a bad smell?'
A: 'Rah! A scary smell!'
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
We went to Rangeley, Maine this past weekend to stay in a cabin. Me, Mumma, Daddy, Nana, Papa, Mimi, and Mimi's friend Annie had a great time! Here are some photos from our ski trip...
When you go outside in the winter you need the right gear. I have a great purple snowsuit. I got some serious finger sucking in before I had to put my mittens on.
These are my bunny boots! Aren't they the cutest?
Mimi let me stand on her skis to "pretend" -- I hope I get to try some skis out on my own this winter!
I love riding in my little red sled...and I only fell out of it once!
I thought I'd give Nana a break and pull her around for a while.
Here we all are inside the yurt that serves as a lodge for cross country skiers and sledders like me! I was pooped after the hour and a half hike so we went home to have some rockaroni and a nappy.
xo ayda.
xo ayda.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A prelude to Christmas morning...
John and I are so excited to see Ayda on Christmas morning! She's really grasped the concept of Santa Claus and gift giving this year. This was a little 'early Christmas' at John's parents house over Thanksgiving.
In case you don't know what 'Pahnaytoes' are, the gift is a set of Potato Heads that Ayda has really enjoyed playing with since we've returned home.
-Jenn a.k.a Mama
John and I are so excited to see Ayda on Christmas morning! She's really grasped the concept of Santa Claus and gift giving this year. This was a little 'early Christmas' at John's parents house over Thanksgiving.
In case you don't know what 'Pahnaytoes' are, the gift is a set of Potato Heads that Ayda has really enjoyed playing with since we've returned home.
-Jenn a.k.a Mama
Mama says she's sorry you have to lie down to watch this... but she just thought it was soooo funny.
I don't see what the big deal is, I'm just ridding the house of evil spirits with my voodoo chants. Sheesh.
BAM! Ayda
I don't see what the big deal is, I'm just ridding the house of evil spirits with my voodoo chants. Sheesh.
BAM! Ayda
A little more Thanksgiving fun
I wanted to finish telling everyone about my trip to New York over Thanksgiving, and I think these photos really sum it all up. You know what they say, "A pictures worth..." well I'm not really sure what these are worth. You can be the judge. But here are some things I did, anyway.
I opened presents with Baba, G.G, Grandma and Grandpa. This happens to be me and G.G. at her house on Turkey Day. She gave me my new best friend, Scout! I just love him!

I taught my baby cousin Morgan how to use the potty...

... I don't think she was really paying attention.
I went to the farm with Grandma and Grandpa and saw lots of animals and played on this tractor, and a fire truck, and a great playground!

I took a quick trip to Mexico...

... and was put in prison there.

Just kidding on that last one. But I think maybe Daddy went South of the Border one night... he seemed awful tired! It must have been something he ate.
xoxo A.S.E.S
I opened presents with Baba, G.G, Grandma and Grandpa. This happens to be me and G.G. at her house on Turkey Day. She gave me my new best friend, Scout! I just love him!

I taught my baby cousin Morgan how to use the potty...

... I don't think she was really paying attention.
I went to the farm with Grandma and Grandpa and saw lots of animals and played on this tractor, and a fire truck, and a great playground!

I took a quick trip to Mexico...

... and was put in prison there.

Just kidding on that last one. But I think maybe Daddy went South of the Border one night... he seemed awful tired! It must have been something he ate.
xoxo A.S.E.S
Monday, December 7, 2009
Shoppin' and stuff
Every year about this time, Mama and Mimi go shoppin' with Papa to help him pick out Christmas presents for Nana. What they buy is a big surprise so I'm not supposed to say anything to her. Shhhh!
The day starts out with breakfast. We went to the Stone Cafe in Veazie for some good eats. I was snuggly with Mama. I brought along Spots the leopard and carried him around ALL DAY!
I spent Saturday night at Nana and Papa's house cause everyone else was going to holiday parties. No big deal. Nana, Papa and I had fun! On Sunday I helped them decorate their Christmas Tree!
I spent hours puttin' decorations on the tree. Some of the branches had four decorations on 'em. I'm short, so all of the decorations are at the bottom. I like it that way.
It was HARD work. I had to take a break every now and then...
xoxo ayda sue who
The day starts out with breakfast. We went to the Stone Cafe in Veazie for some good eats. I was snuggly with Mama. I brought along Spots the leopard and carried him around ALL DAY!
xoxo ayda sue who
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
It's here, it's here! Last night I spent the night at Nana and Papa's- and you know what? We woke up to THIS!

It finally snowed here! I can't wait to go out and play with Papa today. Maybe he'll build me that igloo he keeps talking about.
Daddy says we got about 4 inches... I think he's hoping for more so he can use his tractor.
Isn't my house pretty under all that snow?

It looks like we'll have a white Christmas after all! Hooray!
Snow Bunny Sonnenberg

It finally snowed here! I can't wait to go out and play with Papa today. Maybe he'll build me that igloo he keeps talking about.
Daddy says we got about 4 inches... I think he's hoping for more so he can use his tractor.
Isn't my house pretty under all that snow?

It looks like we'll have a white Christmas after all! Hooray!
Snow Bunny Sonnenberg
Thursday, December 3, 2009
One year to the next...
Once again Mama, Daddy and I went to see Grandma and Grandpa (and the rest of Daddy's family) in New York for Thanksgiving! It was sooo much fun... except for maybe the 11 hours in the car.
I have lots of pictures to put up, but I thought I'd write this post with a little 'then and now' twist.
Grandpa and I have started a tradition, although I'm not sure he knows about it yet...

.... and last year.
I guess we've changed quite a bit, huh? We still share pretty good though. And I think we made friends a little quicker this time. He sure is cute!

xox Ayda
I have lots of pictures to put up, but I thought I'd write this post with a little 'then and now' twist.
Grandpa and I have started a tradition, although I'm not sure he knows about it yet...

And this is me and my cousin Christian, now.....

xox Ayda
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Throwing rocks in the ocean...
This past Sunday I went on a road trip with Mimi and her friend Krista. We had brunch at our favorite place in Ellsworth, Riverside Cafe, and I was a big girl and used the potty there! Mumma and Daddy tell me that if I start being a big girl and wear undies instead of diapers I can have a baby sister! I'm trying real hard. My pull ups have Cinderella on them -- Cinderella wears big girl undies, too.
ANYWAY! After breakfast we went to the beach to throw rocks in the ocean. It's only my FAVORITE thing to do. It was pretty cold out but I didn't care. After we took a walk (well, I was in my stroller) around town. There weren't a lot of places open but there were a few. I was a good girl and didn't reach out to touch stuff. I told Mimi when I wanted a closer look at something and she pushed me over to it. Teamwork!
Krista bought me a cup of chocolate ice cream at Ben & Bill's. It was SO GOOD. Chocolate is my favorite. Here are some photos of the afternoon...
Sweet leggings...
Ice cream never looked so good.
Me n' Mimi.
Cutest thing ever...
ANYWAY! After breakfast we went to the beach to throw rocks in the ocean. It's only my FAVORITE thing to do. It was pretty cold out but I didn't care. After we took a walk (well, I was in my stroller) around town. There weren't a lot of places open but there were a few. I was a good girl and didn't reach out to touch stuff. I told Mimi when I wanted a closer look at something and she pushed me over to it. Teamwork!
Krista bought me a cup of chocolate ice cream at Ben & Bill's. It was SO GOOD. Chocolate is my favorite. Here are some photos of the afternoon...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Twinkle twinkle little...hey! Lemme see!
Ayda has been slightly obsessed with seeing herself on camera lately. Here's a testament to her curiosity....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Funny Things Are Said, These Days.
So I've realized that Ayda has reached the age where she can embarrass me in public with quirky little comments... sigh.
Every mother has a horror story or two of the dreadful thing(s) their child has said to a complete stranger(just ask Nana)- my time is coming, or has it already arrived?
Here are a few funny, adorable, totally embarrassing, things that have come out of Ayda Sue's little mouth lately:
After I put in a funny pony that kinda stuck up- "Mama, I'm a parrot! Caw! Caw!"
While grocery shopping: Ayda- "Mama! That lady is BIG!"
Me- "Ayda, that's not nice. We don't talk about other people and point,"
Ayda- "No Mama... she has a baby in her belly!" (This poor woman did NOT have a baby in her belly)
Every night for the past 2 weeks: "Santa's comin'... TONIGHT!"
While shopping with Nana and Papa, Ayda spotted a lady wearing a long black coat, with her hands in her pockets, walking a little strangely:
Ayda- "Papa, I see a penguin!" Papa- "Where?! I don't see any penguins anywhere." Ayda- "Yes Papa, right there!" Papa wasn't sure if the lady heard, he was too busy walking furiously in the opposite direction.
After tucking her in one night Ayda said this to me in her sweetest sing-songy voice: "Mama- my butt is warm and safe,"
Painting: Papa- "Don't even THINK about painting on that sweater!" Ayda, head in hands- "Good gosh!"
I'm sure there are a million more that I've temporarily forgotten about- and I'm sure there are going to be a million more!
I keep telling myself that 2 years old is FUN... right? RIGHT?
Every mother has a horror story or two of the dreadful thing(s) their child has said to a complete stranger(just ask Nana)- my time is coming, or has it already arrived?
Here are a few funny, adorable, totally embarrassing, things that have come out of Ayda Sue's little mouth lately:
After I put in a funny pony that kinda stuck up- "Mama, I'm a parrot! Caw! Caw!"
While grocery shopping: Ayda- "Mama! That lady is BIG!"
Me- "Ayda, that's not nice. We don't talk about other people and point,"
Ayda- "No Mama... she has a baby in her belly!" (This poor woman did NOT have a baby in her belly)
Every night for the past 2 weeks: "Santa's comin'... TONIGHT!"
While shopping with Nana and Papa, Ayda spotted a lady wearing a long black coat, with her hands in her pockets, walking a little strangely:
Ayda- "Papa, I see a penguin!" Papa- "Where?! I don't see any penguins anywhere." Ayda- "Yes Papa, right there!" Papa wasn't sure if the lady heard, he was too busy walking furiously in the opposite direction.
After tucking her in one night Ayda said this to me in her sweetest sing-songy voice: "Mama- my butt is warm and safe,"
Painting: Papa- "Don't even THINK about painting on that sweater!" Ayda, head in hands- "Good gosh!"
I'm sure there are a million more that I've temporarily forgotten about- and I'm sure there are going to be a million more!
I keep telling myself that 2 years old is FUN... right? RIGHT?

Monday, November 2, 2009
My family is so silly! Mama, Dada, Mimi, and Uncle Jeff went to a Halloween party on Friday night while I stayed at Nana and Papa's house. I thought they looked so funny!

Mimi dressed up as OctoMom -- whoever THAT is! I was more excited about all the BABIES she was carrying around. Mimi promised to give me one when she was done with her costume. Hooray!

Just look at my Daddy! I knew exactly who he was pretending to be! I really like his hair squiggle. Mama made his shirt and dyed a pair of his white socks yellow to match. She's so smart!
Even though I didn't get to go to the grown-up party, I did have some spooky fun! On Friday Mama and I went Trick-or-Treating with my friends at daycare. I dressed up like a China Doll, or at least that's what Mama said. I told everyone I was Princess Mulan! That sounded like more fun.
Here's a picture of Marin and I before we took off to collect our loot.

Later that day, Nana and Mama took me to the new Public Library in town for the party there. I got to go on a hay ride with a vampire bride....

... and pet a friendly purple spider. Isn't he cute?!

I think I really love Halloween. Now if I could just figure out where Mama stashed all my candy!
xoxo Ayda Boo!
Mimi dressed up as OctoMom -- whoever THAT is! I was more excited about all the BABIES she was carrying around. Mimi promised to give me one when she was done with her costume. Hooray!
Just look at my Daddy! I knew exactly who he was pretending to be! I really like his hair squiggle. Mama made his shirt and dyed a pair of his white socks yellow to match. She's so smart!
Even though I didn't get to go to the grown-up party, I did have some spooky fun! On Friday Mama and I went Trick-or-Treating with my friends at daycare. I dressed up like a China Doll, or at least that's what Mama said. I told everyone I was Princess Mulan! That sounded like more fun.
Here's a picture of Marin and I before we took off to collect our loot.

Later that day, Nana and Mama took me to the new Public Library in town for the party there. I got to go on a hay ride with a vampire bride....

... and pet a friendly purple spider. Isn't he cute?!

I think I really love Halloween. Now if I could just figure out where Mama stashed all my candy!
xoxo Ayda Boo!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fun with Mimi
Last Saturday was a yucky rainy day out. A good day to run errands! Me, Mimi, and Mama went all over Bangor. We stopped at Applebee's for lunch and Mama took some funny photos of me and Mimi goofin' off...
This is me hiding from the camera.
Oh Mimi! It's hard to smile with a mouth full of milk.
Mimi wants a sip of my milk. NO WAY!
I relented...
Giving the camera out best CHEESY smile.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Jungle Woman
I couldn't really get Ayda to stop being a ham-bone long enough to get a great picture... so typical, but I thought I'd post these two silly ones up of her in her new dress Pam (my best friend since kindergarten) gave to Ayda the last time she came to visit.

Very Jane of the Jungle, no?
Do excuse the crazy pony action- we're growing out those pesky bangs and our styling options are limited these days.
It's still a little long on her... but that just means Ayda Sue will be able to wear it for an extra couple of months.
Thanks Pammy!
(and yes aunt Sally, we're STILL working on getting a picture of your pretty dress :)

Very Jane of the Jungle, no?
Do excuse the crazy pony action- we're growing out those pesky bangs and our styling options are limited these days.
It's still a little long on her... but that just means Ayda Sue will be able to wear it for an extra couple of months.
Thanks Pammy!
(and yes aunt Sally, we're STILL working on getting a picture of your pretty dress :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
A Secret
On Monday Jennie, Mum, Ayda and I took a walk down to the lake. Ayda was riding in her hiking pack on Jennie's back. She weighed more than Jennie's backpack when she was hiking the Appalachian Trail!
Miles was walking with us, too. On the way down Ayda said that she needed to tell Miles a secret and kept calling his name. We convinced her that she could just say what she wanted to tell Miles out loud instead of whispering it in his ear.
What was the big secret?
"Miles, I love you!"
I told Ayda that her love for my very small dog didn't need to be a secret -- she could tell him that she loved him out loud any time she wanted.
I thought it was very cute.
--Aunt Mimi
Miles was walking with us, too. On the way down Ayda said that she needed to tell Miles a secret and kept calling his name. We convinced her that she could just say what she wanted to tell Miles out loud instead of whispering it in his ear.
What was the big secret?
"Miles, I love you!"
I told Ayda that her love for my very small dog didn't need to be a secret -- she could tell him that she loved him out loud any time she wanted.
I thought it was very cute.
--Aunt Mimi
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Part 2: Apple 'Hide n' Seek'
So before Mama, Daddy and I went to that wonderful McDonald's we went to the Treworgy farm to pick apples and find a pumpkin. Little did we know this would be the only apple we'd actually 'pick' from the trees!

Those darn apples were playing a REALLY good game of 'hide n' seek'! We looked for quite awhile and then Mama decided we'd just buy a bag on our way out. It was still fun to ride around in this wagon...

I picked the very biggest one I could for Daddy to pull. He thanked me, but it didn't sound very sincere.
This farm also has a really huge pumpkin patch. I just loved running up and down the rows! Daddy wanted me to pick out an 'Ayda size' pumpkin, but I was more interested in bushwacking.

We did finally pick out this perfect little pumpkin. It sits on our new deck and I just love to look at it!

The other really neat thing Treworgy has to see are the animals. I told Mama I couldn't wait to see the goats! But when it came time to pet them and feed them, I decided it wasn't for me. In fact, I decided that white knuckling Mama's neck was a MUCH better idea. I told Daddy he could feed the goats if he wanted...

Even though we didn't get to pick our own apples, we had a lot of fun! And the apples we bought have been filling my belly quite nicely! I eat them like a really big girl- Mama and Daddy don't even cut them up for me. I just reach right into the bag, pick my next victim, and munch away!
I just love fall!

xoxo Ayda

Those darn apples were playing a REALLY good game of 'hide n' seek'! We looked for quite awhile and then Mama decided we'd just buy a bag on our way out. It was still fun to ride around in this wagon...

I picked the very biggest one I could for Daddy to pull. He thanked me, but it didn't sound very sincere.
This farm also has a really huge pumpkin patch. I just loved running up and down the rows! Daddy wanted me to pick out an 'Ayda size' pumpkin, but I was more interested in bushwacking.

We did finally pick out this perfect little pumpkin. It sits on our new deck and I just love to look at it!

The other really neat thing Treworgy has to see are the animals. I told Mama I couldn't wait to see the goats! But when it came time to pet them and feed them, I decided it wasn't for me. In fact, I decided that white knuckling Mama's neck was a MUCH better idea. I told Daddy he could feed the goats if he wanted...

Even though we didn't get to pick our own apples, we had a lot of fun! And the apples we bought have been filling my belly quite nicely! I eat them like a really big girl- Mama and Daddy don't even cut them up for me. I just reach right into the bag, pick my next victim, and munch away!
I just love fall!

xoxo Ayda
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Part One: Family Fun in the Fall!
So last weekend Mama, Daddy, and I had a super fun Saturday. It was kinda cloudy out, but we didn't let that stop us from having a good time!
One of the very best parts (according to me) was getting to go to McDonald's for ice cream and play time.
I had the whhhhooooole playground to myself, so Mama and Daddy said I could go where ever I wanted! Can you believe that?! Don't they know I'm only 2 1/2? As soon as Daddy set my feet on the ground, I was off and running! I climbed alllllll the way to the top of this big thing! Daddy couldn't even reach the car I was playing in! That made Mama a little nervous....

.... so she sent him up to get me.

It was like a maze up in there. Daddy helped me find the slide and we went down it together- twice!

I hope Papa can build me one of these in my room for Christmas.
'Oh my gosh!'* that would be so awesome!
Stay tuned for part 2 of our fun Saturday!
xoxo Ayda Sue Ellen
* Ayda has been saying 'Oh my God' and 'Oh my gosh' ALOT lately! I'm not sure where she gets it from, but it seems so adult that we can't help smirking when we hear it. We've all been encouraging her to adopt 'gosh' or 'goodness' but being 2 1/2, she doesn't really know the difference. She's so grown up!
One of the very best parts (according to me) was getting to go to McDonald's for ice cream and play time.
I had the whhhhooooole playground to myself, so Mama and Daddy said I could go where ever I wanted! Can you believe that?! Don't they know I'm only 2 1/2? As soon as Daddy set my feet on the ground, I was off and running! I climbed alllllll the way to the top of this big thing! Daddy couldn't even reach the car I was playing in! That made Mama a little nervous....

.... so she sent him up to get me.

It was like a maze up in there. Daddy helped me find the slide and we went down it together- twice!

I hope Papa can build me one of these in my room for Christmas.
'Oh my gosh!'* that would be so awesome!
Stay tuned for part 2 of our fun Saturday!
xoxo Ayda Sue Ellen
* Ayda has been saying 'Oh my God' and 'Oh my gosh' ALOT lately! I'm not sure where she gets it from, but it seems so adult that we can't help smirking when we hear it. We've all been encouraging her to adopt 'gosh' or 'goodness' but being 2 1/2, she doesn't really know the difference. She's so grown up!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Common Ground Fair
On Saturday we all went to the Common Ground Fair! It's where hippies hang out and learn about farming and stuff. Check out the weird fish I got painted on my face. I wore my overalls to fit in. Mama and Daddy also brought my wagon for me to ride in, which was a WICKED good idea.

Look at me! I'm standing on a big pile of hay gettin' ready to jump! I was so excited. Daddy and I waited our turn in line an Daddy held my hand while I jumped, just in case. It was awesome!

I wasn't even scared of the goats and sheep! Can you believe it!? I saw one silly ol' sheep get his hoofs cut. He freaked out and fell off his stand! I couldn't get over it. I also saw a baby cow and a baby goat and lots of bunnies and chickens. So much fun!

Look at me! I'm standing on a big pile of hay gettin' ready to jump! I was so excited. Daddy and I waited our turn in line an Daddy held my hand while I jumped, just in case. It was awesome!

I wasn't even scared of the goats and sheep! Can you believe it!? I saw one silly ol' sheep get his hoofs cut. He freaked out and fell off his stand! I couldn't get over it. I also saw a baby cow and a baby goat and lots of bunnies and chickens. So much fun!
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